13 June 2012

Early reviews for Dangerous Love, Sacred Love

I'm sharing early reviews for my work, Dangerous Love, Sacred Love, now available in print form and soon available on Amazon and in the book stores. As my work with my clients is exceptionally personal and spiritually intimate, names are withheld and the current comments are directly to me, which I've taken as email excerpts (with permission :))
Hi Dena,

I have read the book a couple of times: there is some lovely material in there for readers to assimilate, which I have not seen anywhere else. What you convey in terms of the impact the relationship has on both parties is comforting, romantic and empowering and helps enormously with understanding/moving on to a better place and just accepting that these loves are so special and precious. I have certainly grown spiritually since being involved in this heavy aspect. There is great sadness and futility to these relationships which I know time will ease and help understand the important lessons - your work helps reinforce that beautifully.

I feel I have properly moved on now and since reading your book, have been feeling a lot of sadness and emptiness which comes in the form of acceptance, which is a new feeling emerging. All memories seem to be fading now but I take away the gift of growth and unconditional love from this man, who I will always love and cherish for guiding me at an important time in my life.

A big heartfelt thank you for the help and guidance you have offered in helping to navigate my way through this secret amorphous love affair. No one understands better than you and I truly believe your book will help many in the same position.

“Dangerous Love, Sacred Love” is a beautifully crafted work that provides comfort, honesty and understanding for those who find themselves in a similar situation and seeking answers.

JM, New Zealand
Went back and re-read your book last night after seeing your Saturn Neptune comments below. People in these relationships should use this like a cookbook--the only one in existence.

You probably recall my telling you for instance that ___  likely had Borderline Personality Disorder (well, not likely--he does have it), and your book describes aspects of that perfectly where it talks about the Neptune abandonment fears, childhood damage leading to behavior, wanting to lean on someone else (Saturn--me!), stopping/restarting the relationship, etc. 

As said before, the book hits everything right on the head with diamond precision and I hope your readers know that!
K, California

Dangerous Love, Sacred Love - The Dance of Saturn & Neptune in Karmic Love Relationships